Black screens on macOS High Sierra 10.13.4+ and Mojave 10.14 Early Previews
The driver (DisplayLink Installer 4.1.11) doesn't work anymore withe macOS High Sierra bêta 10.13.4 (17E139) and newer.

Dear DisplayLink macOS users,
We are pleased DisplayLink 5.0.1 driver for macOS enables multiple extended display support on the latest Apple macOS 10.14.2 with additional features (clamshell and clone). We continue our strong support for the Mac platform and are working on delivering future updates with further performance improvements.
Driver 5.0.1:
If your DisplayLink enabled device does not seem to work on 10.14, this is most likely due to the OS blocking our kernel extension. Please ensure our kernel extension is enabled by the OS as described in our FAQ:
Should you still miss extended displays on latest macOS with latest DisplayLink driver, please create a support ticket so your particular case can be investigated. Here is how:
Due to changes in 10.13.4-10.13.6, it is not possible to enable DisplayLink extended displays, except one using Apple AirPlay. If your Mac is from 2011 running 10.13.4-10.13.6 and can’t update to macOS 10.14, you should remain with DisplayLink macOS driver v4.3.1 to enable one extended USB display using AirPlay, with additional displays cloned. An FAQ details how to enable Apple AirPlay with DisplayLink display for extend or mirror mode:
Audio and Ethernet functionality, where supported, stays unaffected in all versions.
We thank you for your feedback on DisplayLink products that helps us further improve our product offering.
Kind regards,
Anonymous commented
i guess they're afraid to give us even a daily update...i.e. we're working on it and hope to have it in a few days....etc. We all live and die by their hardware
Brian C commented
Does little good to find this out after the update is installed. Fix needed asap! It peeves me to no end to find how reliant I am on your hardware!
Matt H commented
Waiting for Resolution on this
Vince commented
Looking forward to a fix! This is pretty inconvenient. For anyone interested, I was able to change my resolution on my cloned display by using SwitchResX. It's a workaround, but let's me at least customize my seondary display.
Anonymous commented
Thank you for the update, but we need to hear an ETA for the resolution.
David Walker commented
Request ETA as to when an updated driver will be available to correct this problem.
Carlos Cerqueira commented
Thank you for the information, any idea of when approximately will the problem be solved?
Anonymous commented
This is the kind of bug that will force me to replace your equipment and not purchase additional equipment as we onboard people if not patched quickly. This should've been resolved long before 10.13.4 was publicly released, especially since it has been known since February. We'll give you a few days and then we will be forced to move to other solutions.
Anonymous commented
I also have three monitors and work in a fast paced changing environment. This has dramatically impacted my ability to work and "cloning" monitors isn't the answer . I would really appreciate an update as to an ETA for the fix
Danny commented
I understand, and thank you for the information.
However the reality is that I work in a very fast paced, customer support role and use 3 monitors in my workflow daily. This has really impacted my performance and I would greatly appreciate a speedy resolution to the problem. Until this is resolved my workflow will continue to be negatively impacted so may I ask for your upmost speed in fixing this issue for everyone as fast as humanly possible.
Arthur commented
Not knowing what would happen, I installed OSX 10.13.4. Naturally, your display went blank. I then found and installed your "DisplayLink USB Graphics Software for OS X and macOS 4.3". The display connected with a DisplayLink now works, but 1) it simply clones my laptop, which is only partly helpful, and 2) it is low resolution & blurry. Please fix these problems ASAP or suggest a work-around.
ArthurNow you
Melum commented
I'm losing my money because of this problem! Please do something as soon as possible!
Andrés Medina commented
what a waste of money.
Joe commented
This is a huge issue for many people, it completely broke my ability to use external displays at my job due to the setup in a NGW workspace and the need for DisplayLink connections to use those external monitors. I also wish I had known this would happen as I would not have upgraded to 10.13.4 just yet. But now its done and I don't want to downgrade my OS just as a workaround for a hopefully temporary issue. Some type of ETA or at least explanation of what broke would be nice, in the mean time it looks like I'll have to start carrying around extra adapters and HDMI cables now, which sucks!
Peter T commented
Unfortunately 4.3 is unusable, it keeps losing connection.
I hope you come out with an update soon for 10.13.4.
Additionally, there are still a lot of bugs with 10.12.6, and I'm now hesitant to upgrade my users to 10.13.4 until this fixed.
I appreciate your help. -
fred.laxton commented
Displaylink, you've known about a problem with 10.13.4 and blank Displaylink displays for about two months. I see reports of problems with 10.13.4 beta in the support forums from early February. Why didn't you alert everyone BEFORE they upgraded to 10.13.4? It would be a huge hassle and disruptive to my business to go back to 10.13.3, so now I'm forced to lose my third monitor until you get this sorted out. Very poor support practice. You should have proactively notified everyone in advance of the 10.13.4 release!
Josh P commented
10.13 has been out for awhile, driverless docks work fine.
Can you stop blaming Apple and solve your 3rd party driver?
Can’t you just disable your chipset and allow the dock to function as passthru?
This is costing us thousands of dollars a day.
Ps: at least you fixed aero bug on the win beta
Anonymous commented
I too wish I had known about this before I updated....the clones is useless as I got DisplayLink and Landing Zone for my Mac Air to work on multiple monitors. Please hurry!
Anonymous commented
I wish I had known about this BEFORE i updated to in clone mode which is awful to work with. Hopefully you can get this fixed very very Monday of next week.
Iain W. commented
I know it's risky to promise dates for releases but this has devastated my productivity. Could you perhaps let us know if the update to allow extend mode is forthcoming in a matter of days (or weeks or months). If it's the latter, it would be good to know so we can move on to other solutions. I'm sure many people are anyway so if it's a matter of days or weeks some of us might consider waiting. Since this was a known issue in beta hopefully you planned accordingly and are just a little late getting the updated drivers out?