Black screens on macOS High Sierra 10.13.4+ and Mojave 10.14 Early Previews
The driver (DisplayLink Installer 4.1.11) doesn't work anymore withe macOS High Sierra bêta 10.13.4 (17E139) and newer.

Dear DisplayLink macOS users,
We are pleased DisplayLink 5.0.1 driver for macOS enables multiple extended display support on the latest Apple macOS 10.14.2 with additional features (clamshell and clone). We continue our strong support for the Mac platform and are working on delivering future updates with further performance improvements.
Driver 5.0.1:
If your DisplayLink enabled device does not seem to work on 10.14, this is most likely due to the OS blocking our kernel extension. Please ensure our kernel extension is enabled by the OS as described in our FAQ:
Should you still miss extended displays on latest macOS with latest DisplayLink driver, please create a support ticket so your particular case can be investigated. Here is how:
Due to changes in 10.13.4-10.13.6, it is not possible to enable DisplayLink extended displays, except one using Apple AirPlay. If your Mac is from 2011 running 10.13.4-10.13.6 and can’t update to macOS 10.14, you should remain with DisplayLink macOS driver v4.3.1 to enable one extended USB display using AirPlay, with additional displays cloned. An FAQ details how to enable Apple AirPlay with DisplayLink display for extend or mirror mode:
Audio and Ethernet functionality, where supported, stays unaffected in all versions.
We thank you for your feedback on DisplayLink products that helps us further improve our product offering.
Kind regards,
DS commented
Updates would be nice, might stop the hordes with torches at your virtual front door.
Anonymous commented
This has been a prevalent issue since February, there is no excuse for this. Apple makes the software available prior to public release for a reason. We will be searching for other options going forward as this is not the first time this has happened.
Bob Johnston commented
I just installed the DisplayLink v4.3 driver (mirror only) and it's at least working for me. Any news on how the "extended display" driver update is coming? and when it might be released?
Thank you,
Bob Z commented
I hope someone lost their job over this. No excuse for this when Apple gives you plenty of time to test.
Patrick Tysell commented
Add another user to the list.....which they would at least give us an ETA. At this point I feel like there is no ETA because they are not going to deploy a solution. Don't think anyone is asking for a specific date/time to hold DisplayLink to rather is to going to be days/weeks/months/never?!?!?!?!
John Blue commented
This is ripe for a class action law suit for false advertising.
J. Scannell commented
Adding my voice to the frustrated masses who are not able to utilize your product. Is there at least an update on a projected date for an updated driver?
Jon Coley commented
Leif if you could post alternatives when you do find some that this won't happen to every time Apple does an update to their macOS that would be really helpful!!
Doug A commented
I would also appreciate an estimate of when the fix might be available. I am growing frustrated as production is slowing. Looking at a useless monitor does not help either. I will be checking Amazon for solutions as I give this one more day.
Matt H commented
still waiting for a fix.
Leo commented
still no fix?
Leif Hanson commented
I must have macOS 10.13.4 to run the version of Xcode that allows me to develop for iOS 11.3.
Rolling back my OS, even if I wanted to which I don't, is not an option. My options are 1. wait for a fix, again I might add, DisplayLink died on the last macOS update as well. Or 2. Buy a USB video adapter from another more reliable source.
While I don't want to go spend potentially hundreds, I also will not accept that a thousand dollar monitor is now sitting blank.
I should mention as a macOS and iOS developer, as others have that macOS has a beta program and you could easily have identified this issue weeks ago. Also as a developer, I will always need to update to the new macOS and xCode on the day of their release.
This issue is already 4 days old, waiting on an update from Apple is 100% unacceptable. Having this issue even crop up in the first place is about 98% unacceptable.
Who makes a good USB video adapter capable of between 1080p and 2k? I'll have an answer to this in the next 10 minutes. My relationship with DisplayLink that has lasted years is within 48 hours of being over. Nothing personal, but this is simply untenable.
Shame Onmeonce commented
Wim, I just purchased a DisplayLink Monitor and have now discovered that it won't work due to ongoing lack of support for High Sierra 10.13.4. Please post a guesstimate as to when this issue might be fixed so I can decide if I am going to return the product or not.
Jon Coley commented
Is anyone from DisplayLink monitoring this comment thread? Updates would be nice but what would be even nicer would be not having to stare at a black screen all day. I am with a lot of others in saying maybe you should mass email everyone to let them know not to install an update with macOS when you knew a month before that it would have issues, I could have waited another couple weeks to update macOS
Chris commented
Just adding my voice to this issue. I appreciate you making this a priority.
Thank you. -
Anon commented
Really... this should have been fixed during the beta and now its like 4 days after 10.13.4 has released and NOTHING. This dock was too expensive for it not to be working right now! Can we please get a fix!?
Anonymous commented
I want to add to the voices of frustration as well. I just bought a new dock (and I direly need it, as I work all day on my monitors) and mirroring just doesn't cut it for me. Please fix fast and (more important) let us know about the progress
D Dast commented
Just to add to the voices of frustration in the hope that it speeds up a quality resolution. Mirroring an existing display may help those using a large single display (but not likely most displaylink users who are using the device to add multi-screen support). For me, I've uninstalled and will consider getting the displaylink out of the drawer once a fix is released. Bad form for a hardware company not to test with OS releases.
Anonymous commented
My Mac is literally burning with the new driver. It's constantly in 147+% CPU the process of the displaylink. TRAGIC!!! Are you even testing anything????
Anonymous commented
This is impacting the productivity heavily. Please provide an update on when it will be fixed.