Fix the problem where DisplayLinkUserAgent eats 38% of my CPU
OS is windows 10, DLUA is This often gets in a state where the user agent sets there using between 35 and 38% of CPU.

7.9 M5 release for Windows is now available from our download area. Please create a support ticket for individual investigation if you meet any issue.
jones hubbard commented
This is a very interesting topic. I would be interested to learn more about it in the future, but I don't know if I would personally use it.
Darshan commented
Same Macbook Pro 2015 w/ 16gb of ram and still seeing 200% CPU Usage with 10.15 on Mojave
NK commented
Same. Macbook Pro 16 is w/ 16 ram is getting bogged down by displaylink manager.
M.L. commented
Same here. OSX 10.14.6 (Mojave), MacBook Pro, 8GB RAM. Activity Monitor shows DLUA sitting at 2.6GB after the machine has been idle overnight.
ogi commented
I have to agree with feedbackdude. - DisplayLinkManager is at 40-50%. The computer is sluggish and nearly unusable. The latest DisplayLink driver installed today on a fresh OSX. Removing icons from the desktop must be a windows thing because that does nothing on OSX. I had DisplayLink on my old computer with El Capitan and it did not have this issue.
feedbackdude commented
This is not fixed on OSX mojave. WindowServer is at 50-65% and DisplayLinkManager is at 40-50%. Computer is sluggish and nearly unusable. Latest displaylink driver installed today on a fresh OSX. Removing icons from the desktop must be a windows thing because that does nothing on OSX. I had displaylink on my old computer with el capitan and it did not have this issue.
Chris B commented
ecki is correct, thank you for stumbling across that fix and posting it!
ecki commented
ist sounds crazy, but i have found solution. Check if there are any files on your desktop without a Icon. In my case i had 3 PDF Files. > Delete them. CPU runs from 40% to 1%. Unbelievable!
Anonymous commented
DisplayLinkManager (106) uses up 30.01%. It is distributed amongst multiple cores but still seems pretty high.
Calum Yuill commented
DisplayLinkManager uses over 100% cpu in activity monitor on 2017 macbook pro 10.12.6, what's going on?
mtpolak commented
8.6 M1, still the same -h igh CPU usage on Win10 1607
Alfi commented
Restarting the service as mentioned by Frank Loerpen was also required for me on Win7 and DisplayLink driver 8.5 M2.
Frank Lörpen commented
I tried suspending the DLUA process. Sometimes it works, sometimes the display gets very slow, sometimes for a minute, sometimes in perpetuity.
So I want to repeat the workaround suggested by Indranil Chandra:
When this cpu usage gets high, restart the displayuser agent service from services.msc then things are getting normal though there is a loss of display for a few seconds.That works!
Anonymous commented
I am using the latest version as of today on Windows 7, and it uses one full core non-stop. This is ridiculous and needs to be fixed urgently.
Anonymous commented
@Alban Rampon,
I really appreciate your comment. To be honest, I cannot help anymore since 1) I'm on a corporate laptop and "Run the tool on your PC as administrator after the problem has occurred" is not an option and, 2) IT provided this very same week Thinkpad basic docks with mini-displayport to displayport adapters for our Lenovos T450, which completely mitigates the issue. -
All comments stopped talking about DLUA long ago but complain about non-relevant stuff on machines where DLUA doesn't even exist.
If you wish your particular case looked at, you can tell us you're waiting for a third party to contact another third party to then maybe contact us or potentially give the data directly and cut the wait. -
Anonymous commented
I'm on Windows 7 with DLUA 8.5.390.0, the latest version you can get today. Still, DisplayLinkUserAgent.exe service ubiquitously uses 100% of 1 core non-stop, and 50k (!!) page faults per second. Guys, how did you make this software?
Feels pretty annoying to interact with the computer: mouse pointer crawls to reach its destination, keypresses have a lag until they're displayed, laptop fan starts just because you're moving a window around.
You probably don't even go through this thread. That may explain why Global IT service from my company opened a ticket with Lenovo (>20k workstations with laptops) and banned the Thinkpad USB 3.0 Ultra Dock with DisplayLink until the issue gets clarified.
indranil chandra commented
I also had a high cpu rate even after using the lates 8.x version. It was eating up 25% of my CPU in Windows 7. After lot of pain, finally i have found a working solution. I found out when this cpu usage gets high if I restart the displayuser agent service from services.msc then things are getting normal though there is a loss of display for a few seconds. After the restart surprisingly the cpu is not getting high anymore and within limits.
Trivet Grunzen commented
Tried 8.5.3380.0 and still have high page fault rate.
Moreover, many other programs are now showing high paging activity.It seems that the program is burning through pages at a high rate.
Anonymous commented
I'm currently forced to use this on Ubuntu 16.04, Windows 7 and Windows 10. Constant CPU high load (even when rendering animated small emoticon from MS Teams or Slack). On top of that, this crashes all the time on Ubuntu: USB stops functioning, XServer crashes and I lose all my opened stuff, external displays go black and so on... using the mouse is constant torture. I have no idea how stuff like this gets released in a such state. And how it is possible that there are vendors who use it for providing USB Docking Stations which then companies buy because... hey, who doesn't want a universal docking station. This makes my every work day a complete nightmare... Not to mention the pain I went through to get it working in the first time on Ubuntu because of dual display card machine (Intel + NVIDIA),