My feedback
1 result found
169 votes
EVDI is designed as an open source component to be adapted for different graphics architectures.
It is possible to already use DisplayLink on some embedded ARM platforms, as complied binaries are available in our distribution. Articles on how to do this on Raspian and Ubuntu MATE are here: logs from the DisplayLink binary component are encrypted to protect IP. This is the same on all OSes for DisplayLink binary components.
Jordi supported this idea ·An error occurred while saving the comment
Just confirm this DON'T WORK :
-- Raspberry Pi 2
jordi@ubuntu:~/Software/displaylink-driver-1.0.335$ uname -a
Linux ubuntu 3.18.0-25-rpi2 #26-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Sun Jul 5 06:46:34 UTC 2015 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
jordi@ubuntu:~/Software/displaylink-driver-1.0.335$ sudo ./
DisplayLink Linux Software 1.0.335 install script called:
Distribution discovered: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
Unsatisfied dependencies. Missing component: Linux headers for running kernel, 3.18.0-25-rpi2.
This is a fatal error, cannot install DisplayLink Linux Software.
But I know that a Raspberry Pi 2 with Fedora Linux have not problems to manage the same USB-Monitor...without any extra driver installation...