Support more than 4 external displays in MacOS Big Sur
I recently upgraded to MacOS Big Sur and was forced to transition from the legacy driver to Display Link Manager 1.1. My five display setup no longer works . Please consider supporting more than 4 external monitors

Google User commented
Yes more than 4 displays would be very nice! I have 12 total in my set up but I'll be very happy if I could use 10. My M1 Mac Mini 16GB RAM/1TB SSD is currently driving three Apple Cinema Displays, 1 Apple Thunderbolt Display, and 2 60" Sharp tvs. If I could drive two more over display link that'd be awesome!
Sai Ram Thota commented
I use startech dk30ch2dppd and pluggable USBC-6950U, to set up for my 5 monitors with mac m1 air 2020. I can only view 4 monitors at a time. I highly appreciate being able to have more monitors support. Please help and prioritize this feature and enable more than 4 external monitors support.
Sam Thota commented
I have the same issue. I have a 5 monitor setup. Only 4 monitors work properly. Please fix this, Thank you.
BeeRich33 commented
Big Sur 11.3 literally just updated and I lost the ability for large resolution on my first external display (of 2). Also, still no auto-sensing of this dock by the OS.
A major step backwards.
t moon commented
I have an M1 Mac mini with 4 DisplayLink monitors, 2 HDMI and 1 airplay (or sidecar) for a total of 7 monitors and if I could get 6 DisplayLink monitors working I could have 9!
I have the adapters and monitors. Please make it happen asap!
Why should apple users be any less cool than windows users. If anything, with the new M1, Macs should be able to handle more than 6!
Anonymous commented
I have used a DisplayLink based (Plugable 165) 6 monitor setup with Win10 for years (one DVI/VGA and 5 USB) and have just recently bought a MacPro 5,1 for access to OSX for development work. Losing one of my USB monitors to enjoy the pleasures of Catalina isn't a killer but seems a pointless trade-off. System specs are mid-2010 MacPro-5,1 (2) E5620 Westmere@2.4GHz with 40GB RAM running dosdude1-installed Catalina driving a Sapphire HD7950 Metal video card. I definitely vote for increasing the monitor count under OS X to the same as Windows.
G. Timmers commented
Same for me. I have a Asus mobile screen, but it suddenly stopped working. And I installed every findable driver.
Richard Nunez commented
I'm having the same issue except this is a new install for me (post Big Sur upgrade) and my monitors are not being detected no matter what I try. Please ADDRESS this ASAP. Thanks!
Mike commented
Is there going to be an update for the display driver for Mac OS Big Sur 11.0.1 coming anytime soon. My 2 external monitors no longer work. Is there another drive I could try to download?
Anonymous commented
i have a new MacBook Pro M1 but only one monitor work, I need two external monitors.
Anonymous commented
My new MacBook Pro doesn't recognize the SideTrak. I don't know why. I don't even get the 'arrangement" tab. I'm bummed. Think I have to return this.
Anonymous commented
Hi the same for me only one monitor works and I need two monitors Thanks