Problem with new version 7.9M3 - Office Protected View
I encountered a Problem with the new version 7.9M3 when opening Office documents from remote Location. I had to remove the "Protected view" functionality or alternatively store the document first on the local drive to be able to open the Office document.

You can download our latest version (7.9 M4) which fixes the Office protected view bug from
Thank you for your patience whilst we did the testing.
Erik, on my machine, opening .doc(x) on OneDrive work and does not open on Protected View (as the file is considered local, not remote).
Erik commented
I tried the new version and if works when opening an office attachment from outlook.
Now what still doesn't work is opening an office document from a shared folder on onedrive that was synced locally. Is that another bug in displaylink or office or onedrive ?
James Pagano commented
Version 7.9M3 not working with Microsoft office 2016, I can't disable my hardware graphics acceleration. Please I need version M4.
Let me know a date release for version 7.9M3.
Thank you.
James. -
BB commented
In addition to the "Protected view" problem, the Word/Excel/PowerPoint previewers in Outlook crash when attempting to preview attachments in the reading pane. When DisplayLink is uninstalled, the problem goes away, and the OfficeCAT tool points to C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\dlumd32.dll in its crash reports, so it's definitely related. All Office products mentioned are 2013.
Disabling hardware acceleration in Outlook does seem to help though.
Marcelo commented
Waiting for another version, This unit is useless for me with this version.
We are currently testing the 7.9M4 release.
Erik commented
Any news on this ? I would love to use 7.9m4 and get this fix, and I cannot disable the hardware graphcis acceleration...
Anonymous commented
I have noticed that since the upgrade to latest build of windows 10 that when docked, my Surface Tablet blue screens whenever I boot up. Never had this issue with Windows 10 until this new build released last couple of weeks
Benjamin Weikmann commented
Same issue here ... Storing a document on the local drive sometimes doesn't work either, opening a document with an obvious remote origin e.g. stored from an e-mail attachment in Outlook always triggers protected view with me (Office 2016). Only disabling graphics acceleration in Office or uninstalling DisplayLink software works.
Also the problem with the start button in Windows 10 (which seems to be related, actually marked as fixed in 7.9M3 release notes) still occurs sometimes especially when there is NO DisplayLink device connected. This is very annoying as the start menu seems to try to recover itself every few seconds upon crash thereby stealing the focus from the current running application. As this effectively stops me from working with the computer and there is no easy fix as disabling graphics hardware acceleration for the start menu as in Office I'm forced to uninstall the DisplayLink Software at that point just to install it again next time I wan't to use an external DisplayLink display.
Jon Weaver commented
Had the same problem on 2 different computers using docking stations (Dell XPS 12 and Surface Pro 3 (using a USB 3 connection for the external monitor rather than a mini Displayport connection). Changed the connection to mini Displayport on the Surface Pro 3 dock; uninstalled all the DisplayLink drivers and the problem went away. I have no idea what to do with the XPS 12.