How to report macOS issues to DisplayLink
DisplayLink provide a support tool that can check for common issues and gathers up system information, useful to DisplayLink in diagnosing problems. Before submitting a bug to DisplayLink, please follow the steps below to provide the right information.
The support tool produces a zip file containing information stored in plain text. The file and log text are not encrypted (apart from the DisplayLink software log files) to allow you to see what data has been collected.
These steps are for DisplayLink Manager application. KEXT driver releases are not longer maintained.
- Download and run the DisplayLink support tool for macOS
- Optionally you can run the tool first in order to increase log verbosity. Go to menu Advanced, select the log verbosity submenu and choose Debug or Verbose. The default value is Info, while Verbose is the maximum verbosity level.
- Ensure the DisplayLink device is connected to your Mac.
- Run the tool after the problem has occurred.
- A .zip file will be created containing all the needed information.
- Close the tool and locate the new .zip file on your Desktop.
- Send the debug file to DisplayLink support, along with a description of the issue.
- If you increased the log verbosity, select the log verbosity submenu and change it back to default value Info.
- DisplayLink Software installed
- DisplayLink devices connected to the Mac with detailed information about these devices
- Settings of DisplayLink Manager
- Crash reports about DisplayLink Manager, its helper tools and System Services relevant to DisplayLink Software
- System information from System Profiler