How to uninstall Fresco Logic USB graphics software
Use the steps below to uninstall Fresco Logic USB graphics software.
- Open Windows Control Panel and click "Uninstall a program" under Programs.
- Uninstall any software with the name "Fresco Logic USB VGA Display Driver"
- Click Start, and search for "cmd".
- Right-click "Command prompt", and then click Run as administrator:
- If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.
- Type
sc stop FLxHCIv
and press Return. It may display an error if the service was present but not running. This is normal. - Type
sc delete FLxHCIv
and press Return. - Type
reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\FLxHCIv
and press Return. Confirm deletion. - Reboot the PC before installing DisplayLink software.
NOTE: if in any of these steps, you get Access Denied, this is because you did not execute the command prompt as an administrator but you ran it as a normal user. Even if your user has administrator rights, you must specify Run as administrator.