How to deploy DisplayLink macOS software within a corporation with Munki
This guide assume you have a Munki setup already in place and you’re familiar with Munki deployment. Please refer to the Munki website for more information about the setup (
Deploying the DisplayLink Manager app
To add the DisplayLink Manager application to your Munki setup, download the latest macOS driver from , unzip it and run the following commands from a Terminal session (after adjusting for your repository, catalog, subdir and package version):
munkiimport -n "DisplayLinkManager-1.3.0.pkg" --catalog="your_catalog_name" --repo_url="your_repo_url" --name="DisplayLink Manager" --displayname="DisplayLink Manager" --description="DisplayLink Manager App for macOS" --category="driver" --developer="DisplayLink (UK) Ltd." --subdirectory="your_subdir" --extract-icon
makecatalogs --repo_url="your_repo_dir"
Deploying the DisplayLink Login Screen Extension
If you like to start the DisplayLink Manager when the login screen is visible you need to deploy the DisplayLink Login Screen Extension package.
In order to deploy it you can run munkiimport for the disk image available here:
The DisplayLink Login Screen Extension disk image includes the installer for the pre-login agent and its own uninstaller app.
Your command will be similar to the following:
munkiimport -n "DisplayLinkLoginScreenExtension-1.3.0.dmg" --catalog="your_catalog_name" --repo_url="your_repo_url" --name="DisplayLink Login Screen Extension" --displayname="DisplayLink Login Screen Extension" --description="DisplayLink Login Screen Extension for macOS" --category="driver" --developer="DisplayLink (UK) Ltd." --subdirectory="your_subdir" --extract-icon
and rebuild your catalog with command:
makecatalogs --repo_url="your_repo_dir"