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Dock Management Tool User Guide


This document describes how to use the Dock Management Tool (DMT) created by DisplayLink. It allows a customer to enable and configure various enterprise functionalities. The DMT can be used with the DL-3xxx, DL-5xxx and DL-6xxx ASIC based device.
Currently supported features are:
  • Common serial number
  • Hot desk layout provisioning
This User Guide applies to version 9.2 or later of the Dock Management Tool


To download the Dock Management Tool go here.

Unzip the file. The zip file includes:
  • DockManagementTool.exe – the command-line executable of the test tool.


  • Operating system: Windows 7/8.1/10,
  • Application must be executed with administrator privileges.
Please note: Dock Management Tool will not run on desktop machines as it requires an embedded display.

Common Serial Number feature

Windows operating system stores Ethernet and audio configuration per device based on its serial number. Those settings can be preconfigured and distributed to end users by IT managers. Once sent, they will be persistent for built-in network adapters/playback devices as they don’t change, but it is not the case for components installed in docking stations as every time user switch to different one, operating system creates new set of default configuration ignoring settings done by IT manager. Purpose of this feature is to provide an option to set up multiple devices with an additional (common) serial number which will be shared between multiple docking stations so IT managers can configure for example network adapters upfront and those settings will be persistent for docking stations as well. Setting up serial number is a reversible process. The application can be used to delete the common serial number from the device.


  • DisplayLink software in R8.6M0 version or later must be installed on host machine;
  • Only one DisplayLink device can to be connected into the machine during configuration;
  • Supported Devices: DL-3xxx, DL-5xxx and DL-6xxx ASIC based docks with DisplayLink provided Ethernet feature.

Limitations and future versions


Connecting two or more devices with the same serial number to the same host may result in undefined behaviour and must not be allowed.

Using the Common Serial Number feature

Before running the DockManagementTool.exe, the device must be connected to the host PC via USB and USB drivers must be installed.

List Dock Management Tool Commands

Syntax: DockManagementTool.exe -h
Displays all available command-line options and exits cleanly.

Set pre-defined Common Serial Number

Syntax: DockManagementTool.exe -csn on
The pre-defined serial number is stored in the application and is set to: 123456789-CSN.
IT manager can use this command if they do not want to use customized serial number and since it has
a suffix “csn” it can be easily distinguished between the original number. Using pre-defined serial number will also help with scripting the programming.
Dock Management Tool enables and sets pre-defined Common Serial Number.
Dock Management Tool returns “Operation successful.” Information on successful completion or proper error message otherwise.

Set custom Common Serial Number

Syntax: DockManagementTool.exe -csn on -sn ABC123456789
Where ABC123456789 is the custom CSN. The CSN has to have 12-47 length and contain only [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9] and ‘-‘ characters.
Customized serial number adds an option for IT managers to have potentially different network settings
in different areas. For example, docks on the first floor might have different network settings that docks on the second floor of the hot desking workspace.
DMT adds custom CSN and enables CSN functionality.
DMT returns “Operation successful.” Information on successful completion or proper error message otherwise.

Disable Common Serial Number functionality

Syntax: DockManagementTool.exe -csn off
DMT clears CSN and deactivates functionality.
DMT returns “Operation successful.” Information on successful completion or proper error message otherwise.

Display used serial number

Syntax: DockManagementTool.exe -csn info
DMT displays reported serial number
If the operation is successful, the DMT will return used serial number or a proper error message otherwise.

Hot desk layout provisioning feature

This option allows IT Managers to setup hot desks with pre-defined monitor layouts which will be applied for each user using this hot desk. Layout will be set only at the first connect, so that the user can change it if the IT provided default layout doesn't fit his or her needs.


DisplayLink software in 9.2 version or later must be installed on host machine;
Supported Devices: DisplayLink DL-3000, DL-5000 and DL-6000 series docking stations. 

Using the hot desk layout provisioning feature

Before running the DockManagementTool.exe, the device must be connected to the host PC via USB and DisplayLink drivers must be installed. 

List Dock Management Tool commands

Syntax: DockManagementTool.exe -h
Displays all available command-line options and exits.

Store current system display layout in the connected dock device

Syntax: DockManagementTool.exe -layout store
DockManagementTool will take the current display layout from the system and store that configuration in the DisplayLink dock device that is connected to the Host PC.
Dock Management Tool returns “Operation successful.” Information on successful completion or proper error message otherwise. See list of error messages in section below.

Reapply last stored layout to other dock

Syntax: DockManagementTool.exe -layout reapply
DockManagementTool will store in the DisplayLink dock device configuration which was stored in previous device.
This command could be useful when configuring hot desk setups with the same monitors layout.
Dock Management Tool returns “Operation successful.” information on successful completion or proper error message otherwise. See list of error messages in section below.

Clear currently stored layout from the connected dock

Syntax: DockManagementTool.exe -layout clear
DockManagementTool will clear the system display layout that is stored in the DisplayLink dock device connected to the Host PC,
Dock Management Tool returns “Operation successful.” Information on successful completion or proper error message otherwise. See list of error messages in section below.

Get currently stored layout from the connected dock device

Syntax: DockManagementTool.exe -layout get
DockManagementTool will get the system display layout that is currently stored in the connected DisplayLink dock device and display it to the user in a text format.

Example output of the command:
Device: USB_6006-123456789-CSN
id: 30aeb7400000cccc06000000000000000000000000
x: 0 y: 0 w: 1920 h: 1080 rotation: 0
flags: 3
freq: 60
depth: 32
id: 30aec76001010101231a0103000000000000000000
x: 1089 y: -1080 w: 1920 h: 1080 rotation: 0
flags: 0
freq: 60
depth: 32
id: 22f0613201010101281a0104000000000000000000
x: -831 y: -1080 w: 1920 h: 1080 rotation: 0
flags: 0
freq: 60
depth: 32

Operation successful.

Device – the serial number of connected DisplayLink dock
Monitor id – from EDID - 9-20 byte – id of monitor and checksum.
x, y – position monitor, x – horizontal, y - vertical
w, h – dimension of monitor – width and height in pixels
1 – primary monitor
2 – disconnect monitor in Windows display settings (i.e. second screen only – laptop lid has flag 2)
4 – laptop lid
5 – laptop lid is primary
6 – laptop lid is disconnected in Windows display settings
Freq – screen refresh rate
Depth – bit colour depth of monitor

CSN error notifications

DisplayLink software is not installed:

DMT returns: “DisplayLink HostSoftware is not installed!”. Please install DisplayLink software in version R8.6M0 or later. 

DisplayLink software is corrupted:

DMT returns: “Could not load installed DL Core Software version. Please reinstall the software.”

Host PC has DisplayLink software unsupported CSN functionality:

DMT returns: “Installed DisplayLink Core Software is too old. Please install at least version 8.6”. DisplayLink Software is too old to support CSN functionality. Please upgrade DisplayLink software to version R8.6 or later.

Device has unsupported firmware:

DMT returns: “Error setting CSN, please reconnect the device and try again”. Please reconnect the device and try again. If the error show again, please reinstall DisplayLink software in version R8.6 or later.

Device is not connected to the host PC:

DMT returns: “No supported device detected”. DMT could not locate a valid device. Please ensure that device is supported by this tool, connected correctly and powered on.

Device is not supported by the DMT:

DMT returns: “No supported device detected”. DMT could not locate a valid device. Please ensure that device is supported by this tool, connected correctly and powered on. DMT does not support DisplayLink adapters without Ethernet controller, DisplayLink docks without DisplayLink Ethernet Controller and DMT does not support more than one device connected to the host PC.

More than one device is connected to the host PC:

DMT returns: “Found more than one DisplayLink device. This application requires only one device” More than one device is connected to the host PC. Please disconnect all DisplayLink devices and connect only one device.

Device is disconnected from the host PC during enabling CSN functionality:

DMT returns: “Failed to connect to device” Please check connection between device and host PC and try again. Please do not disconnect device from the host PC while DMT is working.

Hot Desk Layout Provisioning error notification

Device has unsupported firmware during store/clear layout in device:

DMT returns:
“Error: Operation failed: Error storing Hotdesk Layout, please reconnect the device and try again.”
“Error: Operation failed: Error resetting Hotdesk Layout, please reconnect the device and try again.”
Please reconnect the device and try again. If the error is shown again, please reinstall DisplayLink software in version R9.2 or later.

Embedded display is closed (lid close):

DMT returns:
“Operation failed: There have to be exactly one embedded display (Laptop Lid). Aborting.”
Please open laptop’s lid and try again.

One or more monitors are disabled in Windows Display Properties:

DMT returns:
“Operation failed: There is at least one disabled display in layout. Aborting.”
Please ensure that all the displays are shown in the Windows Display Properties and are enabled, then try again.

More than two duplicated displays: 

DMT returns: “Operation failed: There are more than two duplicated displays. Aborting.”
Please change the layout to supported one and try again.

Device is not connected to the host PC:

DMT returns:
“No supported device detected” DMT could not locate a valid device. Please ensure that device is supported by this tool, connected correctly and powered on. 

Problem with connecting to the device:

DMT returns:
“Operation failed: Failed to connect to the device”
“Operation failed: Failed to stop DisplayLink service”
Please reconnect the device and try again. If the error is shown again, please reinstall DisplayLink software in version R9.2 or later.

Dock Management Tool cannot run on desktop machines:

DMT returns:
“Operation failed: There have to be exactly one embedded display (Laptop Lid). Aborting.”
Please try again using a laptop.

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