integrate with package managers
It would be lovely if i could keep up with the latest display link drivers and software using brew or apt-get. I don't think that's super hard... better apple/linux support probably a priority... but yeah. I think you have a huge market with people who want the reliability of Apple and the display real estate offered by display link (since apple wants you to use their wimpy graphics cards, or pay through the nose for $1000 retina displays).
(I have 4 display link driven 24 inch screens connected to my mac, with the 2 supported by my laptop -- it is glorious).

Thanks for the suggestion. For Linux we intend to supply and support a driver for Ubuntu, but have designed it to be repackaged for distribution to other Linux distributions.
We cannot be the experts to maintain this for all Linux distros. We intend to provide the tools to enable it to be ported and added to package managers by those familiar with the particular distro they wish to package it for.
If you have repackaged it for a package manager, please let us know and we can build a list of supported distros.