Fix Autostart DisplayLink Manager
I tried to apply the setting for autostart for macOS, it didn't work:
I had to apply a configuration profile in Jamf with a Login Items and Managed Login Items payloads to get this to work. In the Login Items i added: /Applications/DisplayLink and in Managed Login Items i added the Team Identifier: 73YQY62QM3
Please fix the issue or updated your documentation for how to officially enable and disable autostart.
Dennis Leon commented
The official way to enable autostart for DisplayLink Manager on macOS (since version 1.4) is through the terminal:
defaults write com.displaylink.DisplayLinkManager autostart -bool YES
Their documentation seems outdated. You can also try System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items (might not work for all versions).
For MDM (Jamf), your approach with Login Items and Managed Login Items payloads is correct.
I hope the solution may help you.