Enable Using AirPlay, for macOS 10.12.+ Siera Just like is being done on High Siera and Mojave
I am a video deejay using a Macbook that has a failed GPU so i currently rely on one of your devices to connect to an external display.I upgraded to Mac OS High sierra and realized that my display link driver works differently(blue airplay icon) and i have much better performance now(faster frame rates with mix-emergency & Serato ,transparency on the dock And task bar),thank you for that .But The problem is Mac Os High Sierra is Just too Unstable right now for example due to the failed GPU i have completely disabled it but because of that my laptop does not sleep when l close the lid also when it sleeps it cannot wake the screen when i wake it up also i cannot control the screen brightness worst of all i have experienced 3 complete unrecoverable Os crushes in the past two weeks since finally upgrading to high sierra from mac OS sierra so i`ve reinstalled mac OS sierra and my computer works just fine now but im back to the older functioning display link driver that has better resolution on my external display running natively in 1360*768 resolution but has much much lower frame rates on both mix emergency and virtual DJ video output because it doesn't work like the air play one on high sierra .
so my suggestion is that you please implement the same airplay idea on high sierra it works much better
my current display link hardware is a USB 2.0 to dvi ,hdmi and vga (USB 2.0 UGA 17)