Can you fix the issue with dual graphics cards?
I have had a problem with your displaylink products for months now, it's causing my entire OS to hand. It seems I'm not the only one, I found the below forum post showing multiple people have the same issue.
I've tried cleanups, reinstalling the latest drivers and all I could think of. The only way I can get the system to stop crashing is if I always reboot my PC right after I disconnect display link each and every time which is ridiculous. I wouldn't buy a laptop if I wanted to reboot 5 times a day.
There is post saying this would be fixed in the next driver release in the first half of October. Since the first half of October 2015 has passed may I ask which year?

This should now be fixed in the latest V7.9 M5 release from DisplayLink
Oscar Hart commented
maby if you have nvidia optiums or the amd equivelent put it to high performance mode befor you plug in
Andrea Castellano Visaggi commented
I have a hp dv6 6169sl with intel hd3000 and amd hd6770m. All works very well until I launch a game, wich couse a blue screen with a directx error(sorry but I can remember the error and I don't want to cause it again, unless it will be very usefull for soving the problem). I had it with all the operating systems that I had (w8, 8.1 and 10).
Frederic LEPAGNEZ commented
Same problem with my ASUS and Windows 10