Support Night Shift and f.lux for Mac OS
As documented, there is work underway for Windows to support f.lux. However, I haven't seen any clear communication that support Night Shift of f.lux on Mac OS is in the works as neither are supported via DisplayLink. It would be really nice to have these options on Mac.
Blue light reduction on DL-3000, DL-5000 and DL-6000 series delivered via f.lux and DisplayLink Manager 1.7
f.lux is available from
Should you have questions or meet issues, please create a support ticket by emailing as individual cases can't be analysed through the idea board.
Caleb Steer commented
Makes the DisplayLink useless at night. Looking for alternative docks due to this issue.
david commented
Is this being worked on ? Would really appreciate this feature add!
Ryan commented
Is any work being done on this? It would be very useful. I don't enjoy not being able to plug hdmi into my dock.
Matt commented
Please Fix ASAP
Anonymous commented
Please fix..
Anonymous commented
Please fix this!! I would appreciate it very much
Anonymous commented
come on, still gathering feedback?! This was requested 3 years ago!
Such a schitty device with so many shortcomings... I'm only glad I didn't bought it (my employer did)
Joe commented
This suggestion has been open for over 2 years. Seriously, how hard can this be???
Calculus Entropy commented
This is 3 years old. You guys gonna fix this or not??
Cameron commented
Why hasn't this feature been fixed for Mac yet? Windows has it and it works just fine.
Jambu A commented
Please add this feature
Alan C. S. commented
Definitely need this. Displaylink, PLEASE provide any information or progress regarding this.
dlr commented
Andrew S commented
Please help me MY EYES!!!!
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BenG commented
It would be really nice to be able to enable f.lux or night shift through display link on MacOS :)
Sebastian Vad commented
Steph commented
If you can't get software integration with these apps then the least you could do is add a blue light filter preference to your drivers Displaylink...
This has been an issue for your customers on both mac and win for a couple years now.
Tom Taylor commented
Defo need this!
Ben Tong commented
Hi Display Link, this is definitely needed as most who use your product is a professional that look at monitors every single day and would be much benefited from having nightshift in DisplayLink connected monitors. Thanks in advance!!!
Anonymous commented
Hey I Am developer and I Am using 3 external monitors on MAC everything would be great if not supported flux/nightshift, it is almost imposible to stand this light during evening. Just give us sth alpha neta whatever, or just give us information why it cannot be implemented, just give some sign of life that you care about customers needs